Thursday, January 28, 2010

Positive Psychology

A little ambitious to do two posts in a row, but I wouldn't necessarily count this. My core class here in Denmark is called The Psychology of Happiness. In the field, it is known as Positive Psychology. Basically, the area of Psych tells you to quit dwelling on the typical Psychology we see and hear about these days...the kind of stuff such as disorders, psychopathology, etc. Positive Psycholgoy focuses on your strengths. For instance, I took a 240 question test this morning that at it's result...gave me my top 24 character strengths. It is pretty cool.

Anyways, I decided to share my results.

Top Strength: Industry, Diligence, Perseverence

2: Judgment, Critical Thinking, Open-mindedness

3: Hope, Optimism, Future-Mindedness

4: Kindness and Generosity

5: Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence

6: Caution, Prudence, Discretion

7: Capacity to love or be loved

8: Honesty, Authenticity, Genuineness

9: Gratitude

10: Leadership

I am only posting my top ten, since writing them takes forever. Anyways, it is a pretty neat test. If you have about 20 minutes you should check it out. Go to, do the quick registration, and then hit test center. This test is called the VIA Survey of Character Strengths (Adults). There are a bunch of other neat tests you can take as well.

Til next time,


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